The author’s website has a list of Schroth therapists all over the world.
Hunter College has a list of Schroth therapists in the U.S.
Scoliosis Rehab maintains a list of Schroth therapists in the U.S., Australia, and Malaysia.
If there are none in your area, call a couple anyway and see what they recommend. Most are accustomed to treating out-of-town patients and short treatment periods of a weekend or so at a time have proven successful in many cases.
The following clinics offer Schroth certification programs. Most require a current PT, OT or MD license:
Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School
Hunter College
Katharina Schroth Klinik
Dr Weiss
Other facilities are not officially authorized to train Schroth therapists.
Almost nobody ever “needs” surgery for scoliosis because you don’t die of abnormal spinal curves, nor is scoliosis completely disabling. Spinal fusion entails considerable risk, forever stiffens the patient’s spine, and will not correct the real problem — muscular imbalances. The imbalances are exactly what the Schroth method focuses on. Many orthopedists now recommend that patients try Schroth first. See why Schroth Exercises are a safer alternative to spinal fusion surgery.
Programs vary from clinic to clinic and for needs of the individual patient. Factors that affect cost include:
• Hourly rate of the clinic
• Group or individual instruction
• Location and/or Country
• National or individual insurance program coverage
• Length of the program, which depends on severity of the case, age of patient, and other factors
A few thousand dollars for a program in the USA may be a tentative rule of thumb. Number of hours for individual treatment is usually not less than 15 or 20, often more in special cases.
It’s recommended to consult more than one clinic and compare. Ask your therapist about insurance coverage, but choose a program based on probability of success, not cost. In any case, it is always FAR less expensive than spinal fusion surgery, which can easily run $100,000 or more.
It depends on the individual case. A brace is usually prescribed for a growing child or teen, but some Schroth therapists have success treating growing patients without a brace, so ask your therapist. Adults will rarely need a brace, since curve progression is slow or nil and pain is soon fixed with therapy.
However, Schroth therapy is not incompatible with a brace. In fact, it will probably improve the results, because the brace’s purpose is not to reverse abnormal curves, but only to help passively to prevent their progression. If using a brace, the recommended type for scoliosis is the TLSO or Cheneau brace or a variant which will hold the body in a corrected position. Avoid soft or flexible braces that provide minimal support and may compress the spine via shoulder straps.
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Port City Fulfillment Services
Tel: (810) 388-9500
Shipping outside the U.S. is a flat fee of $20.00
The Definitive Handbook
on Schroth Exercises

Written by Christa Lehnert-Schroth, P.T. this book includes:
- Over 100 scoliosis exercises – with photos
- Treatments for 3, as well as 4-curve configurations, which the author discovered, and which are actually more common than many doctors realize
- Exercises for Scheuermann’s kyphosis, flatback, hollow-back syndrome (hyperlordosis), lumbar kyphosis, spondylolisthesis, and related pathologies
"This book truly belongs to the classics of conservative scoliosis therapy...Its acquisition will be worthwhile for the orthopedist, for physical therapists, and of course also for scoliosis patients."
Dr. E. Schmitt

Before Schroth Treatment for Scoliosis

After Schroth Treatment for Scoliosis
Find Out How the Schroth Method Can Help You
Educate yourself on the exercises that therapists use to treat scoliosis
Additional Resources
Why Schroth Method?
- Reduces Pain
- Stops Curve Progression
- Increases Lung Capacity
Without the need for surgery.
Try Schroth Exercises first!
The information and links to therapists provided on this site are intended for informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and currency of our listings, we cannot guarantee that all information is up-to-date or that all therapists are currently accepting new clients. We strongly recommend that you perform your own due diligence by conducting a thorough Google search and verifying the credentials, availability, and suitability of any therapist you wish to contact. This site does not endorse or recommend any specific therapist and assumes no responsibility for the services provided by any listed professional. Your use of this site and reliance on any information provided is solely at your own risk.